Monday, December 7, 2009
Clouds FM free Wallpaper
Software ya CorelDRAW X4 Kwa ajili ya Graphics ni moja wapo ya Software inayoongoza katika Website mashuhuri, ingawa FLASH hufanya maajabu pia lakini maandalizi ya wallpapers, vectors na background zenye ladha ya kioo, hutoka sana vyema na CorelDRAW ..... BACKGROUND Hiyo hapo juu imeungwa na vector zenye rangi moja kuu ikiwa official colour ya Clouds FM.
Rangi ya Kampuni katika Designing ni muhimu kuzingatiwa ili kujenga BRAND, japo mabadiliko kutokea baada ya muda huongeza chumvi...
its free to use lakini si kwa njiana ya kujifaidisha
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Information-processing has become increasingly visible and important in economic, social, and political life. One familiar piece of evidence is the statistical growth of occupations, media, institution and organizations specializing in information activities, with advanced tools for accessing the information.
So for this reason the community is deeply eager to access the information easily since the system of accessing information is globally simplified and they are aware of that e.g. the growing application of optic fibers. But some leaders still think that most of community members are uneducated hence they can’t need to access on environment information! I am alerting that the growth of Civil Society Organizations is much active on this and there is a great change to occur because most development goals are set for the human and his/her environment.
Being sincerely on this, there are still some barriers to environmental information thus result to unfair use of natural resources, poor accountability and a secrecy-poor running of Natural Resource Management. Especially by leadership and some Acts of the parliament e.g. Newspaper Act No. 3 of 1976 about having and spreading information made “secret” by the Government or some Authority. And at the same time the constitution of Tanzania promotes right to find, receive and to give information without any restriction.
Let there be transparency, togetherness for a vision of mass development in a safe sphere. Since we all need to protect, get to know anything about environment and still benefit it sustainably.
JKV - Environment Department
So for this reason the community is deeply eager to access the information easily since the system of accessing information is globally simplified and they are aware of that e.g. the growing application of optic fibers. But some leaders still think that most of community members are uneducated hence they can’t need to access on environment information! I am alerting that the growth of Civil Society Organizations is much active on this and there is a great change to occur because most development goals are set for the human and his/her environment.
Being sincerely on this, there are still some barriers to environmental information thus result to unfair use of natural resources, poor accountability and a secrecy-poor running of Natural Resource Management. Especially by leadership and some Acts of the parliament e.g. Newspaper Act No. 3 of 1976 about having and spreading information made “secret” by the Government or some Authority. And at the same time the constitution of Tanzania promotes right to find, receive and to give information without any restriction.
Let there be transparency, togetherness for a vision of mass development in a safe sphere. Since we all need to protect, get to know anything about environment and still benefit it sustainably.
JKV - Environment Department
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Vijana na Software
Imegundulika ya kwamba Vijana wengi wa Tanzania waliobahatika kujifunza na kumiliki Computer, wamekua na Software nyingi sana katika Computer zao (installed) huku zikiongozwa na software za muziki: (Dj, burning, player, editing, converter), graphic design, picture na video editing. Zikifuatiwa na nyingine nyingi ambazo huendana na kazi/professional Fulani kama Benki, Sheria, Makampuni, Dini, Ulinzi na uchunguzi, Hospitali n.k
Tofauti ni kwamba wengi wame/wana “install” softwares ambazo kweli zinaweza vutia lakini haziwanoi – Vipaji, elimu na hata kuleta pesa, yaani inakua tu “just for leisure and proudness/majigambo!”Au nikusema kwamba Computer inatakiwa iwe na Harddisk kubwa ili itunze mafaili ya software kali...kali ulizonazo?
Vijana watumiaji wa Computer (software) na internet, ni muhimu kuzingatia mahitaji muhimu hasa yenye kuleta faida unapojihusisha na Computer (software) /internet.
Muda unakwenda, nguvu zinaisha, macho yanaumia na mwanga mkali, majukumu yanazidi, umri unasonga, software mpya zinazidi kuja na kwa ubora wa juu na pesa zinazidi kutumika mno! Jitahidi uwe mbunifu, ujitume mwenyewe na utafute ushirikiano na wenzio.
Bila kusahau: Uchaguzi mzuri wa software ni kuokoa muda, nguvu, majukumu, hofu na PESA.
GUNDUA: Hakuna software iliyotajwa kama mfano, kwani Vijana ndio wanazijua zaidi, maana wana muda wa kuzitafuta na wana kazi nyingi za kufanya kupitia hizo software.
Imeandikwa na:
JKV Member
SOURCE: JKV Minor Research (Mwanza) 2008 - 2009
Imegundulika ya kwamba Vijana wengi wa Tanzania waliobahatika kujifunza na kumiliki Computer, wamekua na Software nyingi sana katika Computer zao (installed) huku zikiongozwa na software za muziki: (Dj, burning, player, editing, converter), graphic design, picture na video editing. Zikifuatiwa na nyingine nyingi ambazo huendana na kazi/professional Fulani kama Benki, Sheria, Makampuni, Dini, Ulinzi na uchunguzi, Hospitali n.k
Tofauti ni kwamba wengi wame/wana “install” softwares ambazo kweli zinaweza vutia lakini haziwanoi – Vipaji, elimu na hata kuleta pesa, yaani inakua tu “just for leisure and proudness/majigambo!”Au nikusema kwamba Computer inatakiwa iwe na Harddisk kubwa ili itunze mafaili ya software kali...kali ulizonazo?
Vijana watumiaji wa Computer (software) na internet, ni muhimu kuzingatia mahitaji muhimu hasa yenye kuleta faida unapojihusisha na Computer (software) /internet.
Muda unakwenda, nguvu zinaisha, macho yanaumia na mwanga mkali, majukumu yanazidi, umri unasonga, software mpya zinazidi kuja na kwa ubora wa juu na pesa zinazidi kutumika mno! Jitahidi uwe mbunifu, ujitume mwenyewe na utafute ushirikiano na wenzio.
Bila kusahau: Uchaguzi mzuri wa software ni kuokoa muda, nguvu, majukumu, hofu na PESA.
GUNDUA: Hakuna software iliyotajwa kama mfano, kwani Vijana ndio wanazijua zaidi, maana wana muda wa kuzitafuta na wana kazi nyingi za kufanya kupitia hizo software.
Imeandikwa na:
JKV Member
SOURCE: JKV Minor Research (Mwanza) 2008 - 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
-------- graphics ?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hii ni sehemu mpya kwa vijana wenye malengo mapya ya kibunifu.
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